How great it is to read the blogs from family. I am finding out that you have to join in the fun and post a blog or you miss out on all of the fun. Conference was great and I love to "hunker" down and just listen and watch and absorb. It was so fun to see all of Diane and Bob's family all crowded into Robyn and Joe's home. It was a large SLUMBER PARTY and constant eating. I am just overwhelmed at how great it was to see Kimberly and Devon and especially the kids. Robyn YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD SPORT! Talk to you later. I went to Pat and Bill' Church because they were the speakers and back to my own Ward so yesterday was a FULL DAY. After church we took some Easter treats to Lois and her family and Steve and Caralee for the rest of the visit. You know that getting older sometimes stands in the way of doing some fun things. I sure do love your A.I.S. NOW!
11 years ago