I read the comments and it made me feel like I really accomplished something. Thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to beating Wendall to MY COMPUTER. I went out to the fitness center and have been doing all week (wow). The is now Thursday and I was weighed in and measured and my blubber was measured. Now I will be going 3 times a week and neet Penni and Patti there. To begin with I will learn how to start up the machine and then really accomplished this. I loved all the coments.
I want a POINT AND SHOOT CAMERA. This way I'll get pictures attached my blog. Penni and Pat wanted me to bring my camera and take a picture of me trying to lift the weights. I'M REALLY GOING TO BE HEALTHY IF THIS DOESN'T KILL ME FIRST.
I am reall going to be a new informed woman WOW!!!!!!!KEEP BLOGGING AWAY.
11 years ago
Wow! I am so impressed that you have a gym membership and everything. Maybe once you learn how to use all those machines and weights you can give us all some pointers. Wait a go...keep on blogging...I love it!
Doesn't Kimberly mean "way to go" not "wait a go"? Just kidding! I loved your comment about them measuring your blubber. That reminded me of the Subway commercial where they're at a fast food restaurant ordering and the guy orders blubber and the girl orders thunder thighs and a bedonkedonk butt. Good job going to the gym...I should come work out with you sometime!
Now I really need a gym membership if you've got one! I think Kimberly really meant to say "weight ago" for all the weight you'll be losing.
No, Kimberly probably really meant to say "weight to go". like ordering it at a fast food restaurant...did someone say bedonkedonk? Wouldn't it be great if you could just order a "smokin" butt?! (We all need those shirts from the Loveless!)
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