This is actually the 5th of July, but I had to do my blog today. We had a wonderful day at Penni and Rick's. It was so relaxing for us but somehow I lost my bundle of keys and have looked for them and it keeps nagging at me. Last night we came home and had a very nervous dog and fireworks all around us. Somehow today didn't get any better. We have a garbage pickup this week and we had an extra day to clean some stuff out of the garage so I CANCELLED MY HAIR APPOINTMENT and in the meantime (is that spelled right)and cancelling my my appointment really made me cross (poor Wendall) well I will just have to do my own hair and that is the pits. I will look just like my picture on my blogs and that is depressing. The day progressed from there we decided to get into the garage and THROW AWAY OLD PERMA PACK FOOD STORAGE BUT NOT WITHOUT A BIG CONVERSATION ABOUT HOW WE CAN GIVE IT TO THE KIDS!! DON'T YOU LOVE THE WAY I PUT THIS. WATCH YOUR MAIL ALL OF YOU FOR OLD FOOD STORAGE. You know never throw anything away that can be salvaged or eaten even if it is 100 yrs old. Wendall decided that he would have some of the canned oatmeal (perma pack) it is supposed to last a life time and sooooooo - I don't know whose lifetime. I made him fix it and he made a big pan of it. I went outside to throw away some other things while he ate. Wendall came out and didn't say too much but put the boxes on his little trolley and hauled them out to the curb. I said to him I told you so - it was bad huh? enough said but he did want to save the dried fruit. The trucks were on our street so he hurried up and opened a can of the fruit. Welllll enough said it went to the pile too. Oh yes in all of this he tried to move some fishing poles away from the wall in the garage and got a small fish hook caught in his finger and it was really stuck. Well you know how I am about wounds of any kind I couldn't pull the hook out of his finger and Robert from next door stopped what he was doing and came over to help me and couldn't remove the DARNNNN thing but he did finish putting the boxes out for us. I take back all of the bad things I have said about him. In the meantime we had to change our clothes I was going to take Wendall to emergency and my pride was having a battle with going because of the way both of us looked so I asked him to call TOM DUKE (our friend) to bring his tools over and help get the fish hook out. Tom came right over and finally AFTER MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING got the fish hook out. I was drained and so was Wendall. So goes our day. The bright side of this is we didn't have to go to EMERGENCY. My pride was saved somewhat and now what to do with MY HAIR I CAN'T LOOK LIKE MY PICTURE. YOU KNOW HOW YOU GIRLS AWAYS KEEP ON ME ABOUT AN OBITUARY PICTURE WELLLLLL OR THIS IS WHAT I CALL IT. I DO NEED TO UPDATE. IF YOU USE THIS ONE I WILL HAUNT YOU THE REST OF YOUR LIVES AND YOU KNOW I CAN DO IT. Actually I really feel great and will feel better when the garbage is gone and know it can't be salvaged and all of you can breath again. Remember I have to go down and do the food storage downstairs so don't get too comfortable. Oh yes, the garbage trucks stopped for the day just before they got to our pile. Love you all. The moral to this is DON'T SAVE ANYTHING THAT YOU DON'T USE OR NEED. Love you - Keep on blogging!!!!
11 years ago
Poor Grandpa! Ouch! When Devon was a kid, he went fishing at Tri-City Lake (in Placentia) with some friends and got a fish hook stuck in his neck. He and his friend rode their bikes to his house to find Devon's mom to help. They found her asleep and woke her up. When she saw Devon, she blurted out, "oh, S***!" Devon's friend couldn't believe Devons mom swore. She was so panicked and didn't know what to do and it just slipped out. Luckily, he lived to tell about it! It made me feel a little woozy just thinking about Grandpas finger, but I'm glad he's better and you got rid of some junk too! Hooray!
I'm glad postage to Tennessee would cost too much to send us your old food storage! Penni and Patti will have to be the lucky recipients. That's terrible about Wendall's finger...but I couldn't help but laugh when I read how you desperately tried to find someone to get it out to save you from going to the emergency room because your HAIR WASN'T DONE! GEEZ! I sure hope I don't need to go the emergency room while I'm at your house on a "bad hair" day! Poor guy! It did make for an exciting blog entry though!
Grandma! You are hilarious!!!
You are so funny! I love reading your blog because I can picture you saying everything you write! Grandpa is so funny, wanting to save all the dried fruit and oatmeal. It makes me gag thinking about it. I'm glad the fish hook is out of Grandpa's finger and that you didn't have to go to the embarrassing to have to go out in public with undone hair! You're great!
You know, Grandma...messy hair is in these days, and I think you could pull it off with grace and style. If you just act like that's how you wanted it in the first place, no one will ever notice!
Your blog made us giggle. Everyday is a bad hair day for me. :> Life around here is hectic as usual. We're trying to clean out the basement, so I can sympathize with the food storage situation. Ours is mainly 20 years of crap to go through and get rid of. Maybe someday........
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