Thanks to all of you and your encouragement to BLOG. When I read your blogs I feel like the richest person in the world. I really loved the tribute to marriage on Kimberly's blog and how she feels about Devon after 15 yrs of dating and marriage. My how the time has flown by and the babies that have been born and the wonderful homes that they have come to. Your blogs are like reading the Ensign and the advice that comes to all of us in these articles by the GA's.
I just really need the lift that you give me on these cold, dreary, etc. days. Well yesterday I had a hair cut and color put on my hair but I turned my phone off just after calling Patti and when she tried to return my call my phone was off so she called Penni and also Wendall. I was gone for 4 hrs. because of stubborn hair wellllllll needless to say I was just fine but it created a little heartburn in the girls and Wendall. I KNEW WHERE I WAS SO WHAT'S TO WORRY.
Every day is an adventure for me but this is the time to be grateful for everything even the TRIALS so thank you for the great blogs. Michael, I really need to know how you are I know that you are working and doing homework for school and all but please let me know if you need anything. Our meeting time changed after the 1st of the year and we are now on the 11 to 2 schedule. We do keep busy doing stuff . Wendall is teaching the 4th Sunday in Priesthood and this is great because he has such a wealth of knowledge and this experience is a challenge but GREAT.
I wish there was some way that I could help Uncle Steve through this tragic year with a knowledge that there is something better for him than just the now. He calls me everyday and he shares his feelings and he has been dreaming about Kathi and it puzzles him. One day I do believe that he will realize and grab hold of what life is about but he is so stubborn. I don't want him to lose everything that is truly valuable. Enough of this.
I am happy that Tina is home and recovering. Love to you all. Happy blogging!!!
11 years ago
Yay for a new blog Grandma!!!! I'm glad you knew where you were...I can just picture Patti and Penni and Grandpa worrying over nothing. But 4 hours...geez! Michael's in California right now with some friends for the holiday weekend. He's hard to keep track of...I'll make sure he checks in with you! Love ya!
I'm glad to see you posted a new blog, and I'm glad I didn't know you were M.I.A. I'm sure Penni, Patti, and Wendall were very anxious! Michael's traveling back to Utah today. He says this is his annual tradition to go to Cali for Martin Luther King Day. I need to get a list of all Michael's traditions! Also...give Uncle Steve our love. I'm sure this is really a hard time for him.
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