This morning - I think that it is Friday and another week has gone by. Sometimes when I sit down at my computer I really do get blogger's block. I decided that I had better add a picture to my "FACE BOOK" so I looked at pictures in my file and and I have a gazillion pictures. Well I looked for a picture to fill in the blank that was on my WALL and found one that I thought would probably do - well I followed the directions and when I added the picture it was a picture of my cute Johnny Linde my absolutely darling great grandson with a hat on in the same chair that I was sitting in when my picture was taken. After I got through laughing at myself I tried to delete the picture because those of you who really read my wall maybe you will understand what happened, It is like changing my name from LuJuana to LaJuana. As you can see, I really do need help in my computereze. You know this is really a BRAIN CHALLENGE FOR ME so when I leave my computer I have to search for something like chocolate (I do hope that I don't eat all of the Halloween candy before tomorrow).
Yesterday, I started a blog and I went absolutely BLANK so I titled the blog "It's Snowing" isn't that original and before I decided to blog I had so many things to share with all of you. This is like keeping a journal and also writing 'MY STORY' and I know you will realy understand (I hope).
It is so fun to keep in touch with everyone. Kimberly is having a birthday tomorrow and how special all of you are to me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WONDERFUL GRANDDAUGHTER KIMBERLY DOWDELL. She was a special Halloween gift to us and that is like just yesterday. Time does move on. I do hope you are all taking your ProArgi9 because it is really a wonderful product and if I could, I would give you all a supply but that is just not possible but if you don't have your health your wealth won't be worth anything and I do want you healthy. Little by little we are seeing great things happen to us. Love to all of you from Grandma Great!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Posted by
Grandma Hand
9:36 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009
IT'S MEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow what a summer this has been!! We have had so much going on that I don't want to forget all of the wonderful things that have taken place. I am really grateful for my family and their accomplishments. I do believe in miracles whether large or small and I certainly don't want to discount any of them. I am really clumsy and I really think that I have a REALLY HARD HEAD and falling has made me just a little crazy or maybe it's the rest of the world and not me.
Uncle Clark has had two hip replacements in the last 3 mos and the last one he developed a staph infection that we were told was a very aggresive one but (MIRACLE ) this can be cured by intravanious antibiotics for six weeks twice or three times a day. Cheri (Steve's daughter) fell in her bedroom while she was staying in Mesquite and had to be lifeflighted home but she is doing better than she has for years (MIRACLE).
When I fell the last time on my face I was afraid I had dislodged my left eye implant but (MIRACLE) my eye is fine and I didn't break anything (except my pride). Steven Godfrey finally after almost two years was able to bring Jane , Steve's new wife, home to their new home and she can stay and we as a family are so grateful (MIRACLE).
I do believe that it's the small things that we take forgranted so often that are what I want to be taking notice of.
Pat and Bill have had a lot changes made in their life - Bill has been put into the Bishopbric as 2nd councilor. Now I have 3 son-in-laws doing great service and if I can say I so very proud of them. (MIRACLE)
I am a very grateful mom, grandmom, and great grandmom. My mature years give me license to brag about everyone's accomplishments and especially their great faith.
Last but not least by any means I gained a wonderful new grand daughter. Michael married Anne Cropper on August 8th 2009 and they were married in the Salt Lake Temple (MIRACLE). I just want to let all of my family know that they have a wonderful heritage and to never forget the sacrifices that were made by our ancestors is a MIRACLE Thanks for letting me brag just a little bit. Love all of you so very much!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
10:47 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
How great it is to read the blogs from family. I am finding out that you have to join in the fun and post a blog or you miss out on all of the fun. Conference was great and I love to "hunker" down and just listen and watch and absorb. It was so fun to see all of Diane and Bob's family all crowded into Robyn and Joe's home. It was a large SLUMBER PARTY and constant eating. I am just overwhelmed at how great it was to see Kimberly and Devon and especially the kids. Robyn YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD SPORT! Talk to you later. I went to Pat and Bill' Church because they were the speakers and back to my own Ward so yesterday was a FULL DAY. After church we took some Easter treats to Lois and her family and Steve and Caralee for the rest of the visit. You know that getting older sometimes stands in the way of doing some fun things. I sure do love your A.I.S. NOW!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
10:59 AM
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Here I am blogging again because of reading all of the updates on all of your blogs. I just love the pictures and seeing (my posterity growing up and doing wonderful things). Please excuse the italics I am experimenting and couldn't get back to the regulartype. You know this has been an eventful year and I THINK THAT I AM BACK TO NORMAL because I am sitting here at my computer and I CAN THINK!!!!!!!!!! I also have a new keyboard and that is is hard for me to for me to get used to. I am trying to figure out how to get out of ITALICS. I was really happy to see Michael for a few moments and to see the beautiful ring he had purchased for Anne (with an "e") I think - You remember " Anne of Green Gables" a story that I just love and that is where I think Anne's name is spelled with an "e".
March is over - done - and it left like a Lion and so on to another day "Happy April Fools Day". There are birthdays this month just like last month. First of all there is Tina's on the 3rd then there is Diane J's birthday on the 8th. She was born on Easter Sunday and also General Conference. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY GIRLS.
In March we took Angie to stay for some tests for a whole day and we were really anxious about leaving her but around 5 pm we went to pick her up and took the short cut "I thought" and that was Redwood Rd. turned on center street to get to Dr. Wilson's wellll there was a 4 way stop and I just went sailing right through without even giving it a thought until I had done this and a North Salt Lake Police Officer came up behind me and I knew I was NABBED but I couldn't do anything about it until we pulled into Dr. Wilson's parking but as soon as we turned the corner the lights came on and I knew --Oh crap I am nabbed. This very HANDSOME YOUNG OFFICER GOT OUT OF HIS CAR AND CAME OVER TO MY WINDOW SO I TOLD WENDALL THIS WILL PROBABLY TAKE AWHILE SO GO GET ANGIE CAUSE I WAS CAUGHT. LUCKILY I HAD ALL OF MY PAPERS - EVEN MY INSURANCE CARD. THE VERY YOUNG HANDSOME POLICE OFFICER ASKED ME IF I KNEW WHAT I HAD DONE AND I TOLD HIM THAT I DID BUT IT WAS TOO LATE AFTER I REALIZED. HE GAVE ME A LECTURE ON WHAT COULD HAPPEN AND HE LOOKED AT ME AND SNIFFED TO SEE IF THERE WAS SOME ALCOHOL OR DRUGS --I ROLLED DOWN ALL OF THE WINDOWS AND OPENED THE TRUNK AND OF COURSE ALL I HAD WAS JUNK - REMIND ME TO CLEAN OUT MY TRUNK. THE OFFICER FINALLY LOOKED AT ME AND SAID "I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU A TICKET THIS TIME BUT JUST BE CAREFUL AND DON'T DO IT AGAIN. WOW, I DIDN'T GET A TICKET!!!!! I just couldn't believe how much he reminded me of Kelly and so darned young. Love you Kelly and Jimmy and Jaaromy and Chad and Justin and Michael and all of my grandson inlaws. I am also very proud of Jared and Jacob and their accomplishments. I am so very proud of all of you. Keep on keepin' on I feel that we as a family are really blessed. Love ya all!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
10:49 AM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We had our West High School class reunion last week and what an interesting group we are. There are so many that have passed on and they had a large wall with all of the obituaries of those classmates that had died which was really interesting because it was a trip back in time. Our 1948 basketball team was honored because they had taken State Championship that year and many of the classmates had traveled from all over to be there. Ray Hale one of the Alumni and who is a great friend of Clark paid for the whole thing our catered dinner which was really first class and (I broke my diet) but oh well I really felt guilty but it was wonderful. Clark who was more interested in what went on than me was instigator of a book of remembrance of the team and gave each one of them a book. What a good sport addict Clark is because he knew more about each one of the players than I ever did and it was my graduating class. It was fun anyway. Clark made me stand up and recognized me which was kind of embarrassing but oh well. The event was really great and I am glad that I went. I don't know if we will be having any more these events. I can't believe how old we are and still around (amazing).
I started this post just after my reunion and then things went crazy around here and I just couldn't get around to posting, soooooo, I have been on this crazy diet for almost 3 weeks and BELIEVE IT OR NOT I HAVEN'T KILLED ANYONE YET. I have lost about 4 lbs. but I think I still have a GREAT BIG CRAVING FOR CHOCOLATE. I guess the events of everyday life is really stressful and I wish that I could be call, cool, and collected but I just can't so there. I still am working at the Records Dept. of the Church (the Lost and Found. I really love the people there. As for my diet is concerned I really do believe that I have fat bones and can't help it.
This is Saturday and it is Fall Conference and naturally it is raining. I certainly have enjoyed it so far. I have got to quit worrying about the economic situation because there is much greed and corruption but I will still get sucked into trying to win the $1 million dollar sweepstakes - like they told us in conference WE GOT TO HAVE HOPE AND FAITH AND CHARITY. Also we must have the faith that our new President will provide for all of us heck why can't they give all of us a little of the Pork out of the bailout of $700 Billion that has just passed.
On a lighter note, we know how we must live and things may get tough but we will all survive and eat out of our food storage that we have especially the TONS OF WHEAT WE HAVE STORED SO KIDS REMEMBER YOU CAN ALL COME AND PARTICIPATE EATING THE WHEAT THAT WE HAVE STORED AND THE SOLIDIFIED HONEY THAT HAS BEEN STORE IN SUCH LARGE CANS THAT WE BOUGHT 30 YRS AGO. Just look for exciting recipes for the wheat and other things that I need to take an inventory of. My Grandpa Stevens always said hitch up your (I don't know quite how to spell ) gallases and tighten your belt and enjoy the ride.
Enjoy conference and I will to. I sure do love my kids, all of you and GET OUT AND VOTE it does make a difference. I will post pictures when my computer doesn't throw me out of AOL
Posted by
Grandma Hand
11:52 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It's funny because yesterday was a really tired day for me but I am committed to go to the Records Dept. on Mondays for 4 hrs. so I got myself ready running slow of course but I picked up Connie Coates and we DID arrive on time to fulfill our assignment. This was a day of wondering if what I was doing was really making a difference. I settled down with my stack of papers to go through and to call the people that are listed on the sheets. My mind kept wondering because of the stressful week we had had and always I have a prayer in my heart for me to make the right connections. That is all that I can tell you about my calling but knew my girls were home working and cleaning up the messes that was outside and I was just torn because I felt that I needed to be home and after all I am just a VOLUNTEER my badge says so and I kept on working. I had many people just hang up on me and many didn't know the person that I was calling about and some that I contacted told me that it was JUST NONE OF MY BUSINESS. This is a usual day so I forged on and I was really batting a big fat zero on any addresses. It was around 3:30 and we were told to begin to clean up so I made one more call and it was just one sheet of paper and the woman I was looking for was born in 1948 so this would make her 60 yrs old anyway I dialed the number and this lady picked up the phone WHICH WAS A BIG SURPRISE TO ME but I asked for the people that the telephone number was listed in and I heard a gasp and then there was a dead silence for a few seconds so I identified myself and why I was calling and she asked me HOW I GOT THE NUMBER THAT I HAD JUST CALLED BECAUSE THAT NUMBER WAS AN OBSOLETE NUMBER and the people that I had asked for were her parents and they both had been dead since the 1970's and somehow I had reached the person that I was calling about, which was a different number entirely and so she kept questioning me and asking me how in the world I had got her number and I was just as puzzled as she was. I just said that the research had given me the number and that was all the information I had and our purpose was to send the persons records to the ward where they lived and she just wanted to keep on talking and wanted to know more about my calling. She said that she was going to go back to church but had moved and was so busy and you know the story of inactivity. She said to me that maybe this was the way her parents had of communicating with her and to get back to Church and of course I just couldn't deny that or confirm it but I really felt that MAYBE it had been divine intervention how else would the phone connect to her phone and we know that anything is possible with the Lord.
On my sign out sheet I had 57 calls and got 1 address but it certainly was a great feeling to know that what I was doing was really important!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
4:29 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Yesterday was a beautiful peaceful day in the neighborhood and the parade was great. I am just amazed at the things that my kids can do. Patti and Bill traveled to Las Vegas (I guess because it isn't hot enough here) but before they left after painting my bathroom, taking me shopping for things to make our bathrooms more people friendly, cleaned and polished, then went to Penni's to finish the new Gazebo. I can't believe how hard they worked and all I could do was just watch it happen.
Wendall's bathroom wasn't painted yet and I just figured the blue tape around the mirror and on the floor was a promise that it would be done sometime - well the girls painted and put everything back and then put the new shower curtain up and all of this before they went to finish penni's Gazebo which is really a beautiful addition.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
12:40 PM