Here I am blogging again because of reading all of the updates on all of your blogs. I just love the pictures and seeing (my posterity growing up and doing wonderful things). Please excuse the italics I am experimenting and couldn't get back to the regulartype. You know this has been an eventful year and I THINK THAT I AM BACK TO NORMAL because I am sitting here at my computer and I CAN THINK!!!!!!!!!! I also have a new keyboard and that is is hard for me to for me to get used to. I am trying to figure out how to get out of ITALICS. I was really happy to see Michael for a few moments and to see the beautiful ring he had purchased for Anne (with an "e") I think - You remember " Anne of Green Gables" a story that I just love and that is where I think Anne's name is spelled with an "e".
March is over - done - and it left like a Lion and so on to another day "Happy April Fools Day". There are birthdays this month just like last month. First of all there is Tina's on the 3rd then there is Diane J's birthday on the 8th. She was born on Easter Sunday and also General Conference. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY GIRLS.
In March we took Angie to stay for some tests for a whole day and we were really anxious about leaving her but around 5 pm we went to pick her up and took the short cut "I thought" and that was Redwood Rd. turned on center street to get to Dr. Wilson's wellll there was a 4 way stop and I just went sailing right through without even giving it a thought until I had done this and a North Salt Lake Police Officer came up behind me and I knew I was NABBED but I couldn't do anything about it until we pulled into Dr. Wilson's parking but as soon as we turned the corner the lights came on and I knew --Oh crap I am nabbed. This very HANDSOME YOUNG OFFICER GOT OUT OF HIS CAR AND CAME OVER TO MY WINDOW SO I TOLD WENDALL THIS WILL PROBABLY TAKE AWHILE SO GO GET ANGIE CAUSE I WAS CAUGHT. LUCKILY I HAD ALL OF MY PAPERS - EVEN MY INSURANCE CARD. THE VERY YOUNG HANDSOME POLICE OFFICER ASKED ME IF I KNEW WHAT I HAD DONE AND I TOLD HIM THAT I DID BUT IT WAS TOO LATE AFTER I REALIZED. HE GAVE ME A LECTURE ON WHAT COULD HAPPEN AND HE LOOKED AT ME AND SNIFFED TO SEE IF THERE WAS SOME ALCOHOL OR DRUGS --I ROLLED DOWN ALL OF THE WINDOWS AND OPENED THE TRUNK AND OF COURSE ALL I HAD WAS JUNK - REMIND ME TO CLEAN OUT MY TRUNK. THE OFFICER FINALLY LOOKED AT ME AND SAID "I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU A TICKET THIS TIME BUT JUST BE CAREFUL AND DON'T DO IT AGAIN. WOW, I DIDN'T GET A TICKET!!!!! I just couldn't believe how much he reminded me of Kelly and so darned young. Love you Kelly and Jimmy and Jaaromy and Chad and Justin and Michael and all of my grandson inlaws. I am also very proud of Jared and Jacob and their accomplishments. I am so very proud of all of you. Keep on keepin' on I feel that we as a family are really blessed. Love ya all!
11 years ago
That police officer probably wouldn't have been able to sleep at night after giving such a nice lady a ticket. I guess that's a lesson to us all....just tell the officer the truth and maybe, just maybe, you won't get a ticket!!!
I'm happy to see you back on the blog! Love ya!
And to think that Kelly was the only nice officer out there! I am glad he was so kind to you! Kelly has actually made a grandma cry before. Anyway, it is great to see you back at bloggin' again. I've enjoyed your comments!
I only made the grandma cry because she did not put her handicapped hanger up when she parked in the handicapped spot.
She started crying as she showed me her sticker and said "I am never shopping here again." I took the ticket and marked it as a warning.
Anyway, I wanted to say hi and thanks for visiting my new blog. I am glad things are good and I hope to hear back from you soon. Love you.
Hi Grandma, so glad you are back! That is a funny story. I actually got out of a ticket once because I said: "yes, I know I was speeding" I was late picking my mom up from the airport...anyway, he just gave me a ticket for my back tail light being out. wow, that was amazing!
Love you grandma!
You're back! Glad to see it.
That's a pretty funny story, I'm glad you didn't get a ticket. It's always a great feeling when you get out of them.
I'm glad you didn't get a ticket. I would have got one for sure! I'm certain of it.
A new keyboard huh? They make some weird ones, what kind do you have? Everytime I've tried one of those ergonomic ones, it messes me up too. Oh well.
Love you. :)
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