THIS IS THE ROADMAP OF MY LIFE BEGINNING ON A WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON IN FEBRUARY(approx 3:15 p.m.)so my birth certificate says. I was born on the 19th of Feb. and that made me either an aquarious or a pisces - whichever one I wanted to be and this accounts for some of the dumb things that I do. I really do howl at a full moon and this does have an affect on me. I know you kids think that I am crazy and when it is full moon I AM TRULY CRAZY!! I had some really great and wonderful great aunts on my mom's side and they would dress up in their costumes and tell fortunes and they really did love to get hold of me and sit me down and either read tea leaves or my palms or cards - but it was in fun never serious stuff! You kids remember my aunt Inez and uncle Rolla West. She was so much fun to be around and when the family would gather she would whistle and she could whistle anything that could be played on an instrument.
I am still searching for my TALENT that I can really use before I no longer have it. Do you think that I will find it before I have to report in to the one who gave it to me?
I have loved being a mother to my four kids and I think when Gary was born (being my oldest) I was just 19 and I was a overwhelmed at first and 17 months later two tiny baby girls came along and I was so filled with joy and scared all at the same time (by the way twins will show up with one of my grandchildren or somewhere down the line). I just remember many bottles that I had fix and the diapers that I had to wash (no dryer). This was a good life and even though we were had insufficient money (POOR) the kids and I had fun. Five years later my youngest came along. Now I had Gary, Penni & Patti and Diane. I really do love to remember the good things and not the bad.
I do know that I am blessed and have many things to be grateful for. Wendall and I have been blessed by serving a mission together in Germany ( I had to learn German). This was 9 wks of torture. We were the only couple going to Germany so we were taught in our room (tacky) I had to make the bed everyday before our class began.
It is really fun to remember back to when I was young (back in the old days before television and jet planes). I was truly a TOM BOY and loved to run and play soft ball and all of the games that were outside. We had a one room school house that all grades were taught. If this is a little scattered it has taken me about 4 days to complete this. I do have fun reading about you - all of you. I am grateful for the small things such as in door plumbing, air conditioning, these are things that we sometimes take. I know that this is crazy blog. I crashed the computer last night and couldn't make it do anything and I thought that I had lost all of my blogs and family. I shut it down and thought that I could let it sit for a while but when I turned it back on it was the same thing. Wendall restored it and now IT IS DOING IT'S THING. I KNOW THAT THESE MACHINES HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN AND DO WHATEVER THEY WANT AND I DO BELIEVE THAT THE MOON IS FULL AND THAT IS THE REASON OR IT'S BUSH'S FAULT OR, I KNOW IT'S GLOBAL WARMING. tHAT HAS TO BE THE REASON. NOW I FEEL BETTER! I know I haven't gone completely CRAZY YET (I HOPE).
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Posted by
Grandma Hand
9:30 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
What a wonderful day this was and I almost missed it. We had RS Seminar workshop and a great speaker Connie Sokol. She was our keynote speaker but she was in St. George this morning and had forgotten her appointment with us until her husband told her so she threw some clothes into a bag and hurried to the airport in St. George and she didn't have any I.D. on her but somehow got on the plane and arrived at the end of our classes. Long story short she was just a little bit harried but she pulled herself together and gave a wonderful talk. The theme of her talk was "BALANCING OUR UNBALANCED LIVES THROUGH THE SAVIOR" she started by explaining her tardiness but with humor. Connie is a national presenter, Deseret News Author of two books and an at-home mother of six ranging in ages with the oldest (I think she said 14 down to 2 yrs). In this hectic life she ALWAYS PUTS HER FAMILY FIRST. This in itself is a great accomplishment she is acquainted with Sherry Dew and recommends all of her books. My mind was so very full when she was through that I knew that I had to share with my family all of the things that was given. She started with a quote from Gordon b. Hinckley "In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be injoyed not just endured."
Our first class was - Simple, strong marriages taught by Lee Higbee. We are Responsible Women. Alway put your husband first along with children and to remember - nurturing and spirituality with our marriages and in partnership with God. She also used D&C 25:4 ....murmer not ..vs 6 ..accompany your husband on errands as well as church assignments (even if it is to Home Depot)....vs. 16.....this is Lees own interpretation of it and "give surprises and notice the small things and instantly forgive". Much more was given but..
Scripture Reading - Liz Wolfgramm. Along with our daily lives we need spiritual food. We also need personal revelation and this can follow.
1. Prayer before scripure reading..
2. Search..
3. Apply what you read to yourself..
4. Fasting and prayer for understanding..
5. Pick stories in Book of Mormon and REMEMBER (R.P.M.)Reading, Prayer, and Meditate. Apply scriptures to daily life.
Our Last class was on Preparing Simple, Nutritious meals in a short time. Combine Cooking Time with Family Time
This instructor is a nutrionist works at the LDS Hospital I am sharing these things with my family because everything is so necessary for a balance in our lives. I do think that our young moms have a challenge and so all of us Goldie Oldies such as me. She also used D&C Section 89. Choose the food wisely - take inventory, meal management shopping with strategy . Use the frozen fruit and frozen chopped Onions, Shredded Cheese. These are time savers. She mentioned that she has an appliance grave yard and she is using some of the old collected appliances. You can save money as well as time if planned out.
I guess I had better finish my Saturday's work - or not. I will.
1. Get Direction....
2. Lose the Perfection and keep priorities straight.
Don't compare ourselves to others and one of the things that impressed me was be a B+ person and not an A person and lose the perfection and get lost in it. KEEP A JOURNAL.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
3:52 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
You know how interesting a day can be and changeable too. I am here and wish that I could have flown to Nashville for Bob and Diane's big week end. When Bob calls the day a 3rd Nephi moment and wished that it could go on forever I think that I can imagine that day. If I could have been there, I would have. We are very proud of Bob and of Course without Diane's support behind the scenes wouldn't be complete. I loved the pictures of the new stake presidency. It is really amazing how inspiration is and how we KNOW WHO IS IN CHARGE. It is amazing how the LORD knows who you are and follows you even across the many states.
You know, I have a GAZILLION PICTURES IN MY COMPUTER BUT SOMEHOW WHEN I TRY TO ADD A PICTURE TO MY BLOG IT ENDS OUT IN CYBERSPACE SO PLEASE TRY TO RETRIEVE THESE PICTURES AS THEY FLOAT BY. I have a picture of our lunch bunch at the Golden Corral. These sisters are so darn cute and appreciative of everything that is done for them.
I need to go and do some shopping but maybe tomorrow.
I understand that Whitney's wedding was really beautiful and that my grandkids took that little jaunt down to attend. Congratulations to Whitney on her new life. Love you
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:27 PM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
A Crazy Scattered Blog But It's Saturday!!
I guess this is the total ME! For 44 yrs I have been here and a lot of the furniture is still from that era. I guess that I am vintage like they say wine is as it ages. But how would I know this. Oh well.
You all know how my Saturdays are and when I started to go in circles I knew it was time to blog. Wendall is really interested in your blogs and the pictures. As you can see I have a short memory so I will post pictures again when I read the instructions. I don't adjust going from very cold to very hot. Have you ever broken your sun visor (if this isn't the right spelling it's Cheney's fault) on your car on the driver's side?? Well I did and so now I have to get a new visor because I can't even put a sun screen up to shield the steering wheel (whine). I know it's BUSH'S FAULT OR MAYBE IT'S GLOBAL WARMING. Now I won't get the new one until the last part of this week (whine) those darn REPUBLICANS. I jump from one subject to another that's how scattered I am. I hope you don't think I have lost it, you may wonder, but I know. I know that this is Bush's fault. Or maybe Al Gore's fault but the one thing I do know, it isn't MY FAULT.
I try to use easy words that I can spell so I won't show how all of my schooling has gone.
Penni and Rick got home this evening and I am really glad to have them not flying right now but on the ground.
Changing subjects, Wendall has more stamina than I do and that isn't fair I am getting to be a real pansy. Michael is coming up tomorrow afternoon and break his fast with us I am glad because I haven't seen him since he came home from his big trip.
changing subjects again do you think it's time for me to get a new car before I get too old and they take my driver's license away from me. Do you think my car is going to be like Bob's Honey Bee and keep running. Do you remember Bob driving it to work and it was so rusty and the floor boards were practically gone and Bob would have to hold his feet up so they wouldn't drag on the road the girls didn't want him to bring it home. Am I just remembering stuff that didn't really happen or DID IT? One thing I do know THE GOSPEL IS TRUE have a wonderful Sabbath.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
5:48 PM