THIS IS THE ROADMAP OF MY LIFE BEGINNING ON A WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON IN FEBRUARY(approx 3:15 p.m.)so my birth certificate says. I was born on the 19th of Feb. and that made me either an aquarious or a pisces - whichever one I wanted to be and this accounts for some of the dumb things that I do. I really do howl at a full moon and this does have an affect on me. I know you kids think that I am crazy and when it is full moon I AM TRULY CRAZY!! I had some really great and wonderful great aunts on my mom's side and they would dress up in their costumes and tell fortunes and they really did love to get hold of me and sit me down and either read tea leaves or my palms or cards - but it was in fun never serious stuff! You kids remember my aunt Inez and uncle Rolla West. She was so much fun to be around and when the family would gather she would whistle and she could whistle anything that could be played on an instrument.
I am still searching for my TALENT that I can really use before I no longer have it. Do you think that I will find it before I have to report in to the one who gave it to me?
I have loved being a mother to my four kids and I think when Gary was born (being my oldest) I was just 19 and I was a overwhelmed at first and 17 months later two tiny baby girls came along and I was so filled with joy and scared all at the same time (by the way twins will show up with one of my grandchildren or somewhere down the line). I just remember many bottles that I had fix and the diapers that I had to wash (no dryer). This was a good life and even though we were had insufficient money (POOR) the kids and I had fun. Five years later my youngest came along. Now I had Gary, Penni & Patti and Diane. I really do love to remember the good things and not the bad.
I do know that I am blessed and have many things to be grateful for. Wendall and I have been blessed by serving a mission together in Germany ( I had to learn German). This was 9 wks of torture. We were the only couple going to Germany so we were taught in our room (tacky) I had to make the bed everyday before our class began.
It is really fun to remember back to when I was young (back in the old days before television and jet planes). I was truly a TOM BOY and loved to run and play soft ball and all of the games that were outside. We had a one room school house that all grades were taught. If this is a little scattered it has taken me about 4 days to complete this. I do have fun reading about you - all of you. I am grateful for the small things such as in door plumbing, air conditioning, these are things that we sometimes take. I know that this is crazy blog. I crashed the computer last night and couldn't make it do anything and I thought that I had lost all of my blogs and family. I shut it down and thought that I could let it sit for a while but when I turned it back on it was the same thing. Wendall restored it and now IT IS DOING IT'S THING. I KNOW THAT THESE MACHINES HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN AND DO WHATEVER THEY WANT AND I DO BELIEVE THAT THE MOON IS FULL AND THAT IS THE REASON OR IT'S BUSH'S FAULT OR, I KNOW IT'S GLOBAL WARMING. tHAT HAS TO BE THE REASON. NOW I FEEL BETTER! I know I haven't gone completely CRAZY YET (I HOPE).
11 years ago
Grandma, thank you for sharing a little bit from your past. I had no idea you had aunts who liked to read your palms and what not. I didn't know you were a tomboy either and liked to play softball. What a fun read!
I think you should start carrying on the tradition and dressing up as a gypsy or something at our family gatherings and reading your great-grandkids palms...I'd even let you read mine! That'd be a sight to see.
Hi mom,
I'm up early to catch up on my blog. I will see you in an hour or two to do our excercise thing! You are my inspiration
Oh make me laugh! I remember Aunt Inez reading my palms. I believed every word she said! I also remember that I had a great grandpa that we called "Uncle Pop" confusing is that?! Thanks for the blast to the past! You should your would be really fun to read!
I agree with Michael you should start dressing up like a gypsy and read our palms ;) I love reading your blogs you're awesome.
I love this bolg! I think dressing up like a gypsy would be great- you could rent yourself out for YM/YW activities and birthday parties!
Oh Grams! I am rolling on the ground laughing! Michael hit it on the Nose....he said exactally what I felt! Thanks for sharing that....I remember you telling me you were a Tom Boy but it never really sunk in until now. (smile) It would sure be a site to in a gypsy outfit complete with huge hoop earings and ruby rings, and your crystal ball.....Oh what fun.....I think I'll do a picture of that.....(smile) see you in an hour or two dressed up like a gypsy! (smile)
Love ya,
Okay your gypsy photos are up on my blog ...........(smile)
I loved Aunt Inez, I remember looking forward to her coming to visit. I also remember she could whistle. I thought she was amazing. She had a great sense of humor she could make us laugh. I'm glad you mentioned her. I think about her from time to time. Everyone should have a Aunt Inez. I believed every word she said. She was very carefull to only say good things. I think we all have a little gypsy in us.
Hey Penni thinks everyone should have an Aunt Inez....well....we are related you know! By the way mom...I like your new picture on your blog. This one is big enough we can actually see it, and you're not dressed in Christmas clothes!
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