Well --- faa laa laaa laaaa laaaaa LAA LAAA LAAAA LAAAAAAA. How is that for being creative and politically correct. I only have a couple of days left to panic. We have received delightful Picture Christmas Cards from you and this is such a wonderful way to keep us up on how the LITTLE ONES ARE GROWING. It is so fun to see each family and realize that each one of you are my posterity. We really are blessed to be a family here in this country and to know we have such a rich heritage.
Today I went in to the dermatologist (you know this is my big weekly recreation) and he removed a blemish on the side of my nose and I know that it is really nothing but a wart. You know how we Godfreys tease each other about our noses well I just want you to know that I am taking precautions and trimming my nose so I won't look like a true Godfrey, you know like my brothers.
I love having family come here even if it is a drive-by which yesterday was with Bob and Diane and of course Robyn and PARKER. One of these days I am going to get serious about Christmas and really do some shopping. I would really love to hand each one of you a GREAT BIG CHECK! But that isn't possible but just know my love for each one of you is a GREAT BIG HUG! Keep on blogging because this is such a fun way to communicate. Love to all of you - Grandma Great and Grandpa Greater
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Posted by
Grandma Hand
4:30 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It has been an eventful week for giving thanks and for FAMILY.
First of all DON'T YOU LOVE MY NEW FACE LIFT ON MY BLOG! Thanks to Kimberly I have music and a much better picture which includes Wendall who is always behind the scenes and encouraging me to learn new things. We had the blessing of being with family. It isn't so much the eating on Thanksgiving but being together 'but' I DO LOVE TO EAT ESPECIALLY WHEN SOMEONE ELSE COOKS. I am so grateful for daughters and granddaughters who are wonderful cooks and prepared special dishes for our enjoyment. I also have a son (Gary) who you might not remember because he is the Uncle George in our family which means the we rarely see him but we don't forget him, and grandsons who are really great at experimenting with something different like for instant, SMOKING THE TURKEY IN THE GREEN EGG, WOW. That is Joe and his making use of his " Price's Right" (is that the way you spell it because I never watch the show so I don't really know) - the Grill, Green Egg, BBQ, Etc. Robyn had a houseful of Thanksgiving which included Parker getting sick and throwing up. It seems that they are carrying on the TRADITION including children being their natural wonderful selves and giving thanks.
Like everything else it comes to an end and everyone flew away. We have the pictures and the memories and now we communicate with the BLOG. I really give THANKS FOR:
1. The Priesthood and having it in my home.
.I stepped away from my computer for awhile and GUESS WHAT ----- it made forget where my blog was and it was kind of like I was having a BIG BRAIN CRAMP so my next step was to try and get my thinking processes together again - TAA DAAA WENDALL TO THE RESCUE and so now it is almost 2 pm in the afternoon and after I made my telephone calls - did another batch of washing - folded my drying - came back in here and sat down to my computer continued to blog and recounting what I am grateful for. I just want you to know that I know that you know that I am really getting to be scatter brained but I do know where my blessings are coming from.
As another comment - Marilyn Grimm passed away last night - another death in our Ward Family. I know that you remember her. She also worked with us when we were with the Escalante Branch.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
10:40 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
I posted a blog yesterday but remember I am really having a problem. The blog that I wrote is floating out there SOMEWHERE and it was a real masterpiece ooh wellll.
This will be really short because I am not sure of what I am doing. Patti is doing really well today except her leg and ankle ITCH! Let this be a warning don't do something that you have to have a cast on because it can be miserable.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:55 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I know that I am late sharing this news with family but MY NEPHEW STEVEN GODFREY IS GETTING MARRIED - - - WOW AND DOUBLE WOW. He is marrying a girl from Canada and they met on the internet. I think Steve is happy about this but I am not sure about Elaine, she really has her hands full taking care of Kathi and preparing for an open house on the 8th of November. We are all hoping that Kathi will make it. Katy is going to Boston, Mass. on a mission and she leaves on Dec. 1st. Katy is Kathi's daughter so Elaine has been preparing her for this mission. I really have an appreciation for all that Elaine is doing and keeping Steve cheered up.
This is rather a sober blog but I just have my moments. Penni and Patti and I attended the Jordan River Temple last Wednesday (I think that was the day) or was it Thursday anyway that is an oasis from all of the trials that we are facing.
Today the news of the wildfires in Southern California are really frightening. We need to be prepared at all times.
Enough of the sad stuff I am really glad for my family and this is such a wonderful way to keep in touch. When I read your blogs I am always amazed at how you post such cute pictures and have such wonderful ways of expressing yourselves.
Today I am glued to the TV watching the news about the places that I love being burned but knowing how strong my family is they WILL BE OKAY. I will have a more cheerful blog when I get my colon????? test done tomorrow. I am such a boob. They had better give me a "I don't give a DA!!!! OR DARN PILL" quickly before I get in the room like Olsa does when I go to See Roger. They make me quite comfortable before Roger even looks in my mouth. You all remember Roger our Dentist. I don't like this time of life when stuff starts going breaking down. MY OH MY WHAT A BOOB I AM. I know my family is a lot more composed than I am. This is like walking the plank in a pirate show for me. Love you all.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
1:15 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Hello to all of my friends and family. WHEWWW, AOL kicked me off before I could finish my blog and wiped out what I was doing and I can't remember what that was but oh well and it was such a masterpiece of work.
Today is a new day and my days are always eventful and not ALWAYS FUN! Update on Wendall, I THINK THAT HE IS IMPROVING HIS BLOOD LEVEL HAS COME UP TO 30 points from 24. I am getting to the point that I want to take him and climb a high mountain. I need to be able to list all of my BLOGGER FAMILY AND FRIENDS AGAIN!! Someone show me how to do this or come and fix it for me like MICHAEL OR ROBYN. I really felt like I was cut off from the world. You need to help your poor OLD GRANDMA. Aimee, your blog is great and so colorful and I can't make a comment on it WHY OH WHY?
AIMEE I AM SO PROUD OF YOU GETTING YOUR BOOK PUBLISHED. Please comment on what I am doing wrong with my making comments.
Michael you make me cry and laugh all at the same time and now we are able to communicate.
The news is so depressing and the TV is so full of junk that my favorite thing to do is to watch "LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE" and I watch reruns over and over again. Or I love to watch ANNE OF GREEN GABLES" and this one I watch over and over again. I just think the way they dressed in that time and the way they lived was really simple but to me great. Have I gone nuts or something because I never watch reruns of any of the current shows. Oh yes I go to sleep watching "PERRY MASON" and I think it is because he is always great at defending and the best thing is they do it in about 45 minutes and justice ALWAYS PREVAILS.
Love ya lots and now you know that I need a lot of HELPPPPPP!!!!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:20 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I am glad to be able to update on my DRAMATIC LIFE. I have had a very eventful few days and now it is time to get back to what I really like to do and that is to keep in touch with my family.
Wendall has had such a hard time getting back his energy. We have our recreation all set out for us and that is either to the Dr. or to the Dentist. My fun is waiting for our appointments.
When I get my self back together I will take a picture of my "GLEAMING WHITE SPARKLE SMILE". While I was in the chair having all of the work done I asked Roger to give me a complete makeover - eyes - chins - wrinkles - all of the little dimples in the wrong places - Etc. but I don't want any PAIN. While I was under the influence of the Nitrous (and that is wonderful stuff) we talked about all of the fun things that could to be done to make me beautiful and of course Olsa and Roger completely agreed with me. When he was through with the work on me it was back to reality and absolutely the brutal truth with a FAT LIP AND LOPSIDED SMILE so much for me.
We are going to be working on getting Wendall's blood count up and seeing if we can see more ENERGY. You know, old age isn't for sissies.
Keep me updated on all of the fun things that you are doing because this is really my most joy and FUN!
We might make some suggestions to our various Doctors that they need to update their reading material. When I was waiting for Dr. Harmon the latest magazine was dated Mar. 2007, and that was the latest things going on in HOLLYWOOD "WOW". Just what I want to read.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:57 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hi everyone, I am still here and hopefully a little bit sane. This has been a day of very much STRESS AND CONFUSION all due to my blogging experience or should I say blogging inexperience. I hope that things will be restored on my blogger or ----I don't know what I will do. I love your comments and look forward to them and when I can again read them I will feel a lot better. Thanks to Kimberly I think maybe I have restored some of the stuff. Another thing I don't know how they got so messed up except for THAT PERSON CALLED NOBODY!!
Last night on the news there was one segment on plants and how they can be so dangerous and one is called "SALVIA NEMOROSA "BLUE HILL" a perennial. Evidently Kids have found out about this plant and have been drying it and, I think smoking it. It is very dangerous just like a lot of drugs that give you a "High" and it has been known to kill. Welllllll the bottom line to this is I bought one last spring and planted it in a planter and it is out on my front porch in a pot and it is BEAUTIFUL JUST LIKE MARIJUANA . You know these plants are beautiful and so very dangerous and I know that we have kids around in the neighborhood if they found out about this would be picking this plant and drying it and it would be terrible.
What a dumb, dumb I am and that would be my fault. I have all of the indications that I should have moved. Other than that ALL IS WELL.
The plant is beautiful though and doing so well. Hey don't report me to the narcotics division I am too old to go to jail. You never know what thing is going to take place from day to day. We also have a comfry plant and that is super dangerous if used as a tea. Just use it for external use. I seem to know how to pick flowers. Other than that this seems to be a typical Monday except I didn't have to work today. Love ya.
P.S. We have tried to get rid of the comfry plant and even dug it up and it just keeps coming back bigger and healthier.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:43 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Well today for a new adventure, I went to my DENTIST ROGER. We arrived there at 9 am this morning. I had an ache in the pit of my stomach and I didn't sleep well last night because I hate dental work done on me and I have always hated it. Olsa took me right back and sat me in the back room where all of the gadgets are and best of all the GAS. Roger asked me if I wanted to see if he filled the front tooth if that would be enough, WELL we both knew that this wouldn't be good enough. My mouth hasn't been right since I fell on my face. I just said give me the gas and numb me and we'll talk about it. Well this wasn't an easy undertaking and I agreed that it was needed so he brought Wendall back and it was decided. Roger said that it would be approximately 3 hrs. of preparation. It was okay as long as the gas was working so we began........My big request was while he doing a major makeover on me that I wanted my eyes done and I needed some wrinkles ironed out and absolutely NO PAIN. Simple request - Huh? Well when he got the old removed we found that I really did need the job done so my next request was I want white gleaming (or is it gleeming) teeth so that when I smile my teeth will sparkle. Good request, right? Well we finally got through and all I wanted was to come home and crash.
Well for a traumatic day it wasn't so bad the only thing is I CAN'T EAT AND I LOVE TO EAT! It will only be two weeks and then that part will be done. My big story is I really look like I have been beaten up. Roger took a picture of me (A HORROR PICTURE) which when Olsa emails it I will post it. It definitely is me at my most glamorous time.
I didn't see me but Wendall really cracked up. I will have to see what tomorrow will bring there is always an adventure out there somewhere. Love ya all and keep on blogging I Love it.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
7:39 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I can't believe it I went to answer the door and there were three great West High Football players selling coupon books for money for equipment for the football team. Our boys do need the right equipment but my question is WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD COLLECTS FROM THE TAXES? Also, we seem to have quite a generous surplus BIG QUESTION.
This is a brand new day and I choose for it not be as stressful as some days are. We had choir practice last night ----- and GEEEEEEEEEZ this computer just signed me off and now I lost my train of thought Oh well maybe its global warming.
Kimberly will be 30 yrs old this year and to me that is a wonderful age to be at you still have energy and don't take that lightly. I do have to be reminded about the ages of my grandchildren.
Please keep blogging cause I really look forward to them.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
5:35 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Crazy Crazy Monday Now Wednesday!!
We went to a graveside service for our friend Bill Hunt who died of lung cancer. He was a great friend and a very talented one. I guess I have a lot to learn about PICTURES. I wanted to take some pictures of the gravesite where Bill is and some of our friends -- well can you believe that my camera was dead I had run the battery down to nothing on Saturday. I guess trial and error. It would probably help if I read the instructions but that is Wendall's job and then give me the reader's digest version.
"HERE IS A SHOUT OUT FOR ROBYN TODAY IT's HER BIRTHDAY" I really loved all of the pictures in each of your blogs. It has been so humid today. How do you stand the real humidity in Nashville? Bill's stepson had Bill cremated and that left me feeling like here he was one day and then gone and it's like there isn't a trace of him left. The Stepson cleaned out the house and moved all of the furniture down south to Emery County somewhere and the house is now vacant.
You have great family traditions and I think that is great. You don't let the miles separate you to the point that you don't do anything only wish you had. I am really proud of my family. I sure do love you and ------HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ROBYN - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. That is my song to you.
Take care all of my loved ones - Love ya lots and lots!!!!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
5:13 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
It's Tuesday afternoon and nobody BUT NOBODY can fritter a day away like can. My big accomplishment was picking up dog poop before it got too hot. Oh yes I looked at the weeds growing and just turned my back on them and came into the house. I can remember a time (I think) that I could at least get more done in a day. Maybe I need to concentrate more on getting some more stuff to throw out from downstairs (at least it's cool down there).
Don't you all feel sorry for me especially the ones that are living in a castle on a hill in Nashville where the weather sticks to you. I have decided that I need to hire a professional to come in and do for me what I don't seem to be able to do. Last week Shaela came over and she cleaned my kitchen and it was such a boost. I can think of so many ways that I want to escape the doing. I know that I was supposed to be a very rich, generous, very GRAND LADY and I think things got mixed up in the premortal life and here I am. I know that I have entered the sweepstakes and the promise is always just order and you can win ten million dollars so sucker me I order and this has brought more mail and more paper. When I have accumulated so much stuff that I don't want or need maybe I will get a little more sanity. I do think that Wendall threw away the humming birds that I collected. CRAZY - And downstairs in a dresser is a pair of pants that my dad had and he had hemmed them up himself and do you think I can throw them away? NO so here I am with things that I don't know how to part with stuff such as Mom's HOT fur coat that dad bought for her and it had been stolen. I must be a sentimental fool for these things. They never did make dad return the coat but it always bothered him. Maybe I need to start bringing the stuff upstairs and that would be part way out the door and into the car to go to the D.I.
Remember all of you have maybe inherited some of this insanity soooo beware.
I know that when you are doing something it is better than doing nothing. We have our Cultural Refinement excursion tonight and we are going to This is the Place Monument which is now called "Heritage Park". I am sure that this will be fun and I can escape having to make any WEIGHTY DECISIONS at least for today. I will tell you all about it tomorrow. We will have a train ride around the park and have the new sights pointed out to us.
Penni and Patti have decided that I need some color in my life and not be vanilla. I think that would be fun. How about a red couch like Diane. How about a Purple coat like Aunt Duella used to wear and a long blond wig. I would then have to get a face lift - HOWEVER I HATE PAIN!! Besides that I am terribly shy so the blond wig will have to go. Besides that it would be too hot and itchy. See I do need lots of help in making decisions. I can't even buy a new car because this 1993 Maxima has become part of the family and I can't part with it -CRAZY.
I hope that all of you pass through this phase of life a little more sane than me. Love you all I do love the bloggs.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:15 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
Here it is Monday AGAIN, out State is on fire and the temperature is in the 100's and to think that I was wanting summer last January - amazing. The only thing I can say is you can never please me. I am really trying to not look at our dry lawn because it really annoys me. So what else is new.
I went to do my job at the LOST AND FOUND the records dept. for the church and everything did settle down and become somewhat sane, for me that is. The very first call I made was a man who said yes "that is me" but I just don't want to be bothered so just leave it alone and I was SO NICE AND I DIDN'T ASK FOR HIS SOCIAL SEC. NO. just his address and told him why ---sooo okay. On to the next case In the meantime my parking permit had expired TODAY so I had to get that renewed and I had to go with this very official person with a badge and could get in through all of the short cuts to the main building. I got my renewed parking and was on my own to get back to where I came from and down underneath in this gigantic building I don't know where I am going but I finally did find my way back and finished my day-- WHEW!! By the way I am grateful to have underneath parking so count my blessings. I really don't think I want to quit even though my 6 months are up because I really do believe that this is the only way for me to keep the blessings flowing and we do really need them now. Our world is really crazy. I don't like the news and the TV is just getting so terrible so what is a person to do except blog. I am excited when I read about my family and see all of the cute pictures that you post. One of these days I am going to post a picture on my blog and surprise you. I have a wonderful camera and it is just a point and shoot and they are on my computer but I will just surprise you one of these blogs.
Aimee, I just loved the pictures except I have to be smiling even though I am dressed up and reading a crystal ball. Stay well all of you.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:17 PM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
This is actually the 5th of July, but I had to do my blog today. We had a wonderful day at Penni and Rick's. It was so relaxing for us but somehow I lost my bundle of keys and have looked for them and it keeps nagging at me. Last night we came home and had a very nervous dog and fireworks all around us. Somehow today didn't get any better. We have a garbage pickup this week and we had an extra day to clean some stuff out of the garage so I CANCELLED MY HAIR APPOINTMENT and in the meantime (is that spelled right)and cancelling my my appointment really made me cross (poor Wendall) well I will just have to do my own hair and that is the pits. I will look just like my picture on my blogs and that is depressing. The day progressed from there we decided to get into the garage and THROW AWAY OLD PERMA PACK FOOD STORAGE BUT NOT WITHOUT A BIG CONVERSATION ABOUT HOW WE CAN GIVE IT TO THE KIDS!! DON'T YOU LOVE THE WAY I PUT THIS. WATCH YOUR MAIL ALL OF YOU FOR OLD FOOD STORAGE. You know never throw anything away that can be salvaged or eaten even if it is 100 yrs old. Wendall decided that he would have some of the canned oatmeal (perma pack) it is supposed to last a life time and sooooooo - I don't know whose lifetime. I made him fix it and he made a big pan of it. I went outside to throw away some other things while he ate. Wendall came out and didn't say too much but put the boxes on his little trolley and hauled them out to the curb. I said to him I told you so - it was bad huh? enough said but he did want to save the dried fruit. The trucks were on our street so he hurried up and opened a can of the fruit. Welllll enough said it went to the pile too. Oh yes in all of this he tried to move some fishing poles away from the wall in the garage and got a small fish hook caught in his finger and it was really stuck. Well you know how I am about wounds of any kind I couldn't pull the hook out of his finger and Robert from next door stopped what he was doing and came over to help me and couldn't remove the DARNNNN thing but he did finish putting the boxes out for us. I take back all of the bad things I have said about him. In the meantime we had to change our clothes I was going to take Wendall to emergency and my pride was having a battle with going because of the way both of us looked so I asked him to call TOM DUKE (our friend) to bring his tools over and help get the fish hook out. Tom came right over and finally AFTER MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING got the fish hook out. I was drained and so was Wendall. So goes our day. The bright side of this is we didn't have to go to EMERGENCY. My pride was saved somewhat and now what to do with MY HAIR I CAN'T LOOK LIKE MY PICTURE. YOU KNOW HOW YOU GIRLS AWAYS KEEP ON ME ABOUT AN OBITUARY PICTURE WELLLLLL OR THIS IS WHAT I CALL IT. I DO NEED TO UPDATE. IF YOU USE THIS ONE I WILL HAUNT YOU THE REST OF YOUR LIVES AND YOU KNOW I CAN DO IT. Actually I really feel great and will feel better when the garbage is gone and know it can't be salvaged and all of you can breath again. Remember I have to go down and do the food storage downstairs so don't get too comfortable. Oh yes, the garbage trucks stopped for the day just before they got to our pile. Love you all. The moral to this is DON'T SAVE ANYTHING THAT YOU DON'T USE OR NEED. Love you - Keep on blogging!!!!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:57 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
THIS IS THE ROADMAP OF MY LIFE BEGINNING ON A WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON IN FEBRUARY(approx 3:15 p.m.)so my birth certificate says. I was born on the 19th of Feb. and that made me either an aquarious or a pisces - whichever one I wanted to be and this accounts for some of the dumb things that I do. I really do howl at a full moon and this does have an affect on me. I know you kids think that I am crazy and when it is full moon I AM TRULY CRAZY!! I had some really great and wonderful great aunts on my mom's side and they would dress up in their costumes and tell fortunes and they really did love to get hold of me and sit me down and either read tea leaves or my palms or cards - but it was in fun never serious stuff! You kids remember my aunt Inez and uncle Rolla West. She was so much fun to be around and when the family would gather she would whistle and she could whistle anything that could be played on an instrument.
I am still searching for my TALENT that I can really use before I no longer have it. Do you think that I will find it before I have to report in to the one who gave it to me?
I have loved being a mother to my four kids and I think when Gary was born (being my oldest) I was just 19 and I was a overwhelmed at first and 17 months later two tiny baby girls came along and I was so filled with joy and scared all at the same time (by the way twins will show up with one of my grandchildren or somewhere down the line). I just remember many bottles that I had fix and the diapers that I had to wash (no dryer). This was a good life and even though we were had insufficient money (POOR) the kids and I had fun. Five years later my youngest came along. Now I had Gary, Penni & Patti and Diane. I really do love to remember the good things and not the bad.
I do know that I am blessed and have many things to be grateful for. Wendall and I have been blessed by serving a mission together in Germany ( I had to learn German). This was 9 wks of torture. We were the only couple going to Germany so we were taught in our room (tacky) I had to make the bed everyday before our class began.
It is really fun to remember back to when I was young (back in the old days before television and jet planes). I was truly a TOM BOY and loved to run and play soft ball and all of the games that were outside. We had a one room school house that all grades were taught. If this is a little scattered it has taken me about 4 days to complete this. I do have fun reading about you - all of you. I am grateful for the small things such as in door plumbing, air conditioning, these are things that we sometimes take. I know that this is crazy blog. I crashed the computer last night and couldn't make it do anything and I thought that I had lost all of my blogs and family. I shut it down and thought that I could let it sit for a while but when I turned it back on it was the same thing. Wendall restored it and now IT IS DOING IT'S THING. I KNOW THAT THESE MACHINES HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN AND DO WHATEVER THEY WANT AND I DO BELIEVE THAT THE MOON IS FULL AND THAT IS THE REASON OR IT'S BUSH'S FAULT OR, I KNOW IT'S GLOBAL WARMING. tHAT HAS TO BE THE REASON. NOW I FEEL BETTER! I know I haven't gone completely CRAZY YET (I HOPE).
Posted by
Grandma Hand
9:30 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
What a wonderful day this was and I almost missed it. We had RS Seminar workshop and a great speaker Connie Sokol. She was our keynote speaker but she was in St. George this morning and had forgotten her appointment with us until her husband told her so she threw some clothes into a bag and hurried to the airport in St. George and she didn't have any I.D. on her but somehow got on the plane and arrived at the end of our classes. Long story short she was just a little bit harried but she pulled herself together and gave a wonderful talk. The theme of her talk was "BALANCING OUR UNBALANCED LIVES THROUGH THE SAVIOR" she started by explaining her tardiness but with humor. Connie is a national presenter, Deseret News Author of two books and an at-home mother of six ranging in ages with the oldest (I think she said 14 down to 2 yrs). In this hectic life she ALWAYS PUTS HER FAMILY FIRST. This in itself is a great accomplishment she is acquainted with Sherry Dew and recommends all of her books. My mind was so very full when she was through that I knew that I had to share with my family all of the things that was given. She started with a quote from Gordon b. Hinckley "In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be injoyed not just endured."
Our first class was - Simple, strong marriages taught by Lee Higbee. We are Responsible Women. Alway put your husband first along with children and to remember - nurturing and spirituality with our marriages and in partnership with God. She also used D&C 25:4 ....murmer not ..vs 6 ..accompany your husband on errands as well as church assignments (even if it is to Home Depot)....vs. 16.....this is Lees own interpretation of it and "give surprises and notice the small things and instantly forgive". Much more was given but..
Scripture Reading - Liz Wolfgramm. Along with our daily lives we need spiritual food. We also need personal revelation and this can follow.
1. Prayer before scripure reading..
2. Search..
3. Apply what you read to yourself..
4. Fasting and prayer for understanding..
5. Pick stories in Book of Mormon and REMEMBER (R.P.M.)Reading, Prayer, and Meditate. Apply scriptures to daily life.
Our Last class was on Preparing Simple, Nutritious meals in a short time. Combine Cooking Time with Family Time
This instructor is a nutrionist works at the LDS Hospital I am sharing these things with my family because everything is so necessary for a balance in our lives. I do think that our young moms have a challenge and so all of us Goldie Oldies such as me. She also used D&C Section 89. Choose the food wisely - take inventory, meal management shopping with strategy . Use the frozen fruit and frozen chopped Onions, Shredded Cheese. These are time savers. She mentioned that she has an appliance grave yard and she is using some of the old collected appliances. You can save money as well as time if planned out.
I guess I had better finish my Saturday's work - or not. I will.
1. Get Direction....
2. Lose the Perfection and keep priorities straight.
Don't compare ourselves to others and one of the things that impressed me was be a B+ person and not an A person and lose the perfection and get lost in it. KEEP A JOURNAL.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
3:52 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
You know how interesting a day can be and changeable too. I am here and wish that I could have flown to Nashville for Bob and Diane's big week end. When Bob calls the day a 3rd Nephi moment and wished that it could go on forever I think that I can imagine that day. If I could have been there, I would have. We are very proud of Bob and of Course without Diane's support behind the scenes wouldn't be complete. I loved the pictures of the new stake presidency. It is really amazing how inspiration is and how we KNOW WHO IS IN CHARGE. It is amazing how the LORD knows who you are and follows you even across the many states.
You know, I have a GAZILLION PICTURES IN MY COMPUTER BUT SOMEHOW WHEN I TRY TO ADD A PICTURE TO MY BLOG IT ENDS OUT IN CYBERSPACE SO PLEASE TRY TO RETRIEVE THESE PICTURES AS THEY FLOAT BY. I have a picture of our lunch bunch at the Golden Corral. These sisters are so darn cute and appreciative of everything that is done for them.
I need to go and do some shopping but maybe tomorrow.
I understand that Whitney's wedding was really beautiful and that my grandkids took that little jaunt down to attend. Congratulations to Whitney on her new life. Love you
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:27 PM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
A Crazy Scattered Blog But It's Saturday!!
I guess this is the total ME! For 44 yrs I have been here and a lot of the furniture is still from that era. I guess that I am vintage like they say wine is as it ages. But how would I know this. Oh well.
You all know how my Saturdays are and when I started to go in circles I knew it was time to blog. Wendall is really interested in your blogs and the pictures. As you can see I have a short memory so I will post pictures again when I read the instructions. I don't adjust going from very cold to very hot. Have you ever broken your sun visor (if this isn't the right spelling it's Cheney's fault) on your car on the driver's side?? Well I did and so now I have to get a new visor because I can't even put a sun screen up to shield the steering wheel (whine). I know it's BUSH'S FAULT OR MAYBE IT'S GLOBAL WARMING. Now I won't get the new one until the last part of this week (whine) those darn REPUBLICANS. I jump from one subject to another that's how scattered I am. I hope you don't think I have lost it, you may wonder, but I know. I know that this is Bush's fault. Or maybe Al Gore's fault but the one thing I do know, it isn't MY FAULT.
I try to use easy words that I can spell so I won't show how all of my schooling has gone.
Penni and Rick got home this evening and I am really glad to have them not flying right now but on the ground.
Changing subjects, Wendall has more stamina than I do and that isn't fair I am getting to be a real pansy. Michael is coming up tomorrow afternoon and break his fast with us I am glad because I haven't seen him since he came home from his big trip.
changing subjects again do you think it's time for me to get a new car before I get too old and they take my driver's license away from me. Do you think my car is going to be like Bob's Honey Bee and keep running. Do you remember Bob driving it to work and it was so rusty and the floor boards were practically gone and Bob would have to hold his feet up so they wouldn't drag on the road the girls didn't want him to bring it home. Am I just remembering stuff that didn't really happen or DID IT? One thing I do know THE GOSPEL IS TRUE have a wonderful Sabbath.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
5:48 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I am living in the past and these are some of the pictures we took while visiting for the last time in California, which I really love and hope someday will be able to do again. I keep sending this blog out in cyber space so I think that I will just go ahead and POST THIS. I so look forward to reading all of your blogs so it's like letter writing you have to write one to be able to receive one I mean the comments that come so you know that your letter is received. I don't even know what order these are in so I really do love you and look forward to the next blog. JUST THINK I POSTED TWO PICTURES.
well here is me and my three girls, Patti taking the pictures and Diane, Penni and of course ME. I always have a bad hair day but it was so much fun that I just had to pull up the pictures and remember. I think that I have better control of my weight and my hair now but I don't really know some days are better than others. This, of course, is the Newport Temple and what a wonderful time we had.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:24 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Robyn's Big Day!!!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
11:08 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
This picture was taken Fast Sunday under my BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN CHAIN TREE that only blooms for a couple of days and then it blows away. It's yellow blooms that match my BEAUTIFUL, GOLDEN DANDI...... OH YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN AND MY SPELLING HAS GONE TO HECK.
This is my first picture and maybe I will be able to conquer this problem that I have with forgetting what I have done and have to start at the very beginning. It is hard to think and compose my thoughts and have a DOG on my feet snoring and Wendall looking over my shoulder trying to help me but oh well I am such a scatter brain but age give me license REMEMBER.
I am going to now post another picture and see if it really works now that Wendall has gone outside.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
9:54 AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Kamille's Baptism
This is a MAJOR, MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT - - AND THIS NEEDS TO BE APPRECIATED BY ALL WHO MAY VIEW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that I really - REALLY did this without committing murder or throwing my computer out the window or as I have said many times run up and down my street screaming and terrorizing my neighbors. I now have my own CAMERA and when I can get to the computer I can even download pictures - but finding them is another long story. In this picture from left to right - Halley holding Abbigail, Kamille Sue, Megan Glover (Becky's daughter) and last but not at all least Emilie little miss personality. These are little angels and I thought the picture of the Savior was really fitting. I am going to try to get more of the Baptism pictures on this blog. Here goes.......... I am going to post this right now because if I don't, cyber space will get this and I am scratching my last nerve. Love ya all
Posted by
Grandma Hand
1:24 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Hi, it's me and I have pictures floating around out there in cyber space. Right now if you would like to see them you will have to pull them from space. Saturday was a BIG DAY. Kamille Sue Skolmoski was baptized and what a beautiful event that day was. Tina and Paul's little girls are so darn cute. There is Halley (10) Kamille (8) Emily (5) I think, and Abigail (Abby) and I don't know just how old she is. The three girls and one of their friends sang. How cute they were. They sang "I'll Follow Him in Faith". It's really great because Becky and Paul came up with their 4 kids. I really feel blessed to have such wonderful grandkids and great grandkids. Tina is working in Young Women. Yesterday was Test and Fastimony meeting and it was a great day. Today being Monday I don't have to go to work because the Church is installing new carpeting and equipment. I just learned the old way oh well (THIS IS GOOD FOR THE OLD BRAIN). Just think some day you will be this age and you will feel like 50. Of course, I am still waiting for this. Penni and Patti are working the HECK OUT OF ME at the Fitness Center. Just think how good it will feel when it stops hurting. I took all of these pictures but darn. It is going to get all of the way up to 60 you know that is a regular heat wave. If this BLOG sounds mixed up, don't worry that is the way I think anymore.
I can't believe Michael driving all over Honduras. Did he forget that this is a 3rd world country. I will be very glad to get him back in the United States. However, you never know which is the safer. Love reading all of the blogs - keep posting!!!!!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
11:42 AM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Today is the Sabbath (Sunday) and we have the early church so when we got home, I made a simple lunch and decided to tell you about my day. Our bishop is so inspired we had our joint meeting and it was on preparedness as well as managing our finances like deciding WHAT IS A WANT AND WHAT IS A NEED. I don't know how many times I have heard this or read it or something like that but now all of my wants are turning into needs and now if not sooner. I know that I don't want plastic surgery or the new laser treatment. A really cute girl (45) in our ward who teaches our gospel doctrine class decided she was getting far too many wrinkles so she had laser treatment on her face. She looked like she had a terrible sunburn on her face and it was smeared with a heavy greasy stuff and she had her hair pulled back and tied up and she said she felt that she couldn't handle her wrinkles anymore.....well I guess this is better than cutting into her and pulling all of her skin up tight and then taking time to heal. I know that she wouldn't be able to laught or cry or anything or her face would crack. I definitely would be in trouble.
I guess I am past the vanity stage and what you see is what you get and I am just darn glad to be healthy. I guess this really bothered me with her having this done because she is such a pretty girl. Oh wellll. I may have to eat my words sometime because stuff does come back to haunt us. Love you all and I do think all of you are beautiful.
I am looking forward to your next blog.
As far as storage is concerned I have shelves full of stuff and that is a good place for grandkids to come and pick out whatever they want as far as canned goods are concerned. Remember in the 70's the push in our ward was to buy up bulk - dry milk, wheat, rice, sugar, and big cans of honey - oh my gosh these big cans were so heavy that we could not even lift them. As far as the milk we did have to throw it away. The wheat will feed quite a few people and it is packed in sealed cans. There is a caution about this though, it will make you really sick if you think you can live on this alone without preparing your body to take this in. Now there is more sense in the storage and store what you will use and eat. We do want to be obedient to the prophet and this is what counts. Get your cases of diet pepsi or coke and plenty of snack food such as snicker bars, hershey bars, cookies (soft kind) and lots of handy wipes, paper towels, and lots of soap and a big bucket to do everything with. We keep waiting for something to happen. This is a scary thought.
Got to wake Wendall up so he can get ready for his Priesthood meeting that is at 5 pm.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:58 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
It's Really Spring
It's going to actually be warm today. It's Thursday and I can't remember what I did yesterday. I guess I am trying not to store things in my memory that will just be trivia. I know that Dick Cheney is coming to Utah today. I hope Michael get's to hear him or even see him. See how in awe I am over famous people or (infamous). Regardless of what our politics are our troops really need the suppport from the American People. We have another group from Utah going for a 2nd time to serve. These servicemen or women need our full support. Now I am off my soapbox.
Uncle Steve is leaving Gilbert Arizona for the last time and coming home. He sold his Condo and made a huge profit. MY HOW I FEEL SO SORRY FOR HIM BECAUSE HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO WITH ALL OF HIS MONEY!!!! He calls me everyday and I love him he is my brother but, gosh what a burden. I could tell him what to do with it but my ideas are too dumb.
I am grateful for my family and this last comment makes me even more grateful. Susie, I would just love to update and remodel with granite counter tops in my kitchen and new everything but I would rather play than settle down and really get things done. I am like Diane or rather she is like me and can't cut labels off of things and make huge decisions without second guessing myself but I love all of the things that she has done to her BEAUTIFUL HOME so far, Having lived this long I probably won't change but I have a family that is doing these things and I really love it. Wendall cut all of the labels off my new bedspread and pillows and I was going to take is back because it is too big but oh well maybe I can give it to someone and get a new one. I'll think on this for awhile. It's a King Size and our bed is only a Queen. I guess when I bought it I really wanted it to fit. Any suggestions?
I may even hang all of my pictures back up. It's only been a year since we painted. Love ya
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:29 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Finally a Clear Day
It is a wonderful day because the sun is FINALLY SHINING and there is a promise of some spring before the hot summer. Yesterday was a very full day. I can't believe some of the things that I get myself into.
I keep forgetting that I can't keep up with the younger set and I have got to remember my place in life. Monday is the day that I go to the Lost and Found (record's dept. for the church). Some of the sad things that I run into makes me so grateful for my family. We really need to count our blessings for what we have. It was my day for Scripture, Song, and Prayer which is a wonderful opportunity but STRESSFUL. It is amazing how the Church goes about searching for the lost ones. I have always liked Erma Bombeck and so I used one of her posts (she has been dead for a few years). The title is "SQUEEZE EVERY MINUTE OUT OF LIFE" it is really a good way to live your life rather than to live with regrets or live in the past or wait for the tomorrows.
I have got to get me a small camera and take with me because I just love all of the pictures that all of you post. I can't believe how grown up Taylor is and Luke just is so typical of a boy (personality Plus). Blake and Parker are getting to be their own individual people with minds of their own.
One of Erma's quotes is "I would have eaten less cottage cheese and more ice cream".
Another one is "There would have been more I love you...more I'm sorrys...more I'm listenings...but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute of it...look at it and really see it...try it on...live it...exhaust it.... and never give that minute back until there was nothing left of it...
Keep on blogging because this is such a fun way to keep in touch and soon, with Robyn's help I will post some current pictures - I hope.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
8:25 AM
Friday, April 20, 2007
Well I shot out of bed at 7:00 am this morning and hurried to the fitness center to work out AND I MEAN WORK. My trainer gave me a schedule to follow so I saw Penni there already doing the ep???????? treadmill. I went to the bike and started very slow and I mean slow. It kept telling me to start and I was doing as fast as I could. I was scheduled to do 30 min. It seemed like time was just crawling. Penni came and got on the bike and she was to do 30 min also. She had already worked 30 min. on the other monster. There she is about 15 min after me and when I had 28 min on the machine she had already gone 29 and I said to her how in the heck can you be ahead of me, well the answer to that was I was too slow for it to register. I had actually been going for about 50 min so go figure that. On my rubber legs we went down the stairs to the other INTIMIDATING MONSTERS to do our lifting weights just getting on them and winding my arms around the thingamajigs was really quite an effort with Penni trying to wind my arms and me not being able to quite understand the procedure but I did it DOUBLE WOW!!!!!!
I think life is really getting complicated for me so I decided to go to Kohls to see what they had on sale (this was after getting my hair done) as you see I'll do anything to to stay away from housework.
Tomorrow is Saturday and I'll see if I can do something useful. I really look forward to all of the blogs and comments. All of you really encourage me. Do you think I am having a mid life crisis at my age?
I am so glad that weather is better and we don't have to freeze anymore. I am still trying to get up enough nerve to try pictures but I want some new ones. I sure do think we have cute kids. Parker is really so wide eyed he reminds me of Robyn when she was that age. Each one of them have their own personality and my posterity is growing.
Life is good.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
7:33 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
another day of computer
I read the comments and it made me feel like I really accomplished something. Thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to beating Wendall to MY COMPUTER. I went out to the fitness center and have been doing all week (wow). The is now Thursday and I was weighed in and measured and my blubber was measured. Now I will be going 3 times a week and neet Penni and Patti there. To begin with I will learn how to start up the machine and then really accomplished this. I loved all the coments.
I want a POINT AND SHOOT CAMERA. This way I'll get pictures attached my blog. Penni and Pat wanted me to bring my camera and take a picture of me trying to lift the weights. I'M REALLY GOING TO BE HEALTHY IF THIS DOESN'T KILL ME FIRST.
I am reall going to be a new informed woman WOW!!!!!!!KEEP BLOGGING AWAY.
Posted by
Grandma Hand
7:40 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
I figured out that I just couldn't recover old unpublished blogs so this is a short message just to see if I have figured it out YET AND IF I HAVEN'T I MAY DO SOMETHING DESTRUCTIVE. I have been up doing my service at the Records Department so I really hope that I will be able to accomplish this much.
MY PROBLEMS BEGAN WITH AOL KICKING ME OFF BEFORE I FINISHED SO IF THIS IS JUMBLED IT IS BECAUSE I AM HURRYING BEFORE I GO BRAIN DEAD. I love all of your blogs and you do it with such ease. It is 7:30 in the evening and I really want to be part of this so here goes.
Love ya all
Posted by
Grandma Hand
7:17 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
This is my first day of blogging and I really wonder at the ease that Robyn, Michael, and Kimberly just sit down and add a page onto their blog. I received help from all of them on Easter Sunday and thought that I could do that, well I might as well have been on a different planet and so yesterday (being Monday) I sat down to do my blog. Welllllll everything was just as Greek to me as if I hadn't had any instructions. Monday was an awful day so I called up to the Records Department for the Church (I do 4 hrs of service on Monday afternoon) and told them that I wouldn't be in because I had things that I had to do at home. I felt that doing my blog was more important at the time. How bad is that?
I loved the encouragement sent to me from the ones that I love so here I am again Tuesday morning sitting here in my pajamas and hoping that this will be on my blog for the day.
I loved reading the coments and that gave me encouragement to continue.
By the way when I go shopping I want some shoes like Susies (if the heel isn't too high) because I have been known to fall off of my shoes. This is such a great way to read what everyone is doing.
I am going to go walking so I will continue later. (IF I CAN GET INTO THIS AGAIN)
Posted by
Grandma Hand
7:59 AM
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
New Beginnings
Well, here's your first blog Grandma...
This is Robyn typing for Grandma. I was going to go over to her house today to help her set up a blog, but Parker's sick, so I decided to set it up for her here...she can change it later. I asked her what she wanted the title to be. I thought it should be something like "Grandma Great," but she thought it should be "IRRESPONSIBLE". I'm excited to read Grandma's blog...she's always full of funny stories and insights. You're the greatest, Grandma! Love you! Have fun!
Posted by
Grandma Hand
2:44 PM
Bolgs I Love
11 years ago
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